A Letter From The Grave: The Death Of Fearless Heroes ( SEE PHOTOS)


Tell my mother I was unarmed.

Tell my father I had the flag in my hands when I was shot.

Tell the unborn Generation that I died singing the national anthem.

Tell the cowards who shot me that my spirit lives on in the life of every good Nigerian youth.

Tell the goverment that they shot my body but not my spirit. 

Tell the world I died for freedom like many good people before me.

I regret nothing, for I have done what my father's, mother's, uncle's and aunt's couldn't do out of fear. Let God judge me, I am only sorry for the pain of leaving you this early. 

My prints will forever remain in the sands of history for I have done my time based on the path I chose freely & willingly.

Nowthat my torment in Nigeria is over, please lay me to rest on mother earth where you all will join me in due time, take my voice and hand it over to the next good youth whom I hope by Gods Almighty grace will benefit a better Nation.

For I know that freedom is coming, yes freedom

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